All posts filed under: Faith

Come join me explore my walk with God, and discover all the amazing things He keeps doing!

New Year, New Mantra

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything longer than a long email. But as it’s a few days past my 24th birthday, I thought it would be incredibly important for me to take stock of how far the Lord has brought me. I have been meditating on Psalm 16 a whole lot. And that’s what I want to share today. With a lot of things that have happened in my life recently, Psalm 16 has become a daily prayer for me. For perseverance, for counsel, for God to show me the way of life. For Him to bring His plans for my life to fruition. The one thing I’m most grateful to God for this new year is the gift of joy. Many times, trials and tribulations came for me. Many times, evil was plotted for me. But true to the promise in Psalm 34:19, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all” the Lord brought me through. He has made me more devoted to …

Still Standing, Standing Still

2017 has been the best year of my life. I know, I know, I say that at the end of every year, but it is not because I merely feel like it, but because it is true. Before 2017, 2016 was the best year of my life. This year was better than 2016, as was 2016 better than 2015, and so on. And guess what, 2018 is going to be an even better year for me. And for you, if you would believe. Over the past few weeks, Psalm 65 has appeared and reappeared in my personal bible studied (which I’ve been very bad at.) First, I was praying to God to hit my targets at work, and I was praying Psalm 65:2, which says “O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come.” And as I prayed for the Lord who answers prayer to help me in my targets at work, Psalm 65:11 came to my mind. It says “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance.” …

Homesickness and rememory

This has been a most beautiful week. Easily one of the most beautiful weeks I’ve had in Dublin. I’ve made friends, whose company I truly enjoy; I’m getting a hang of my role at work, and I can find my way around this new city much easier than before. But it’s also been a most emotional week, the good emotions though. Joy, peace, gratitude, clarity of thought (is that an emotion?) Yesterday I went to see a movie with my friends at 10pm (don’t worry, my area is safe.) It wasn’t the wisest decision as we all had work the next day, but as one of my friends said, you only live once. Also tickets were only 8euros so it was a financially smart decision. On our way back, my friends and I (me and three guys) took pictures by the bridge, and generally made good cheer. I must have used the word “beautiful” at least a hundred times. The bridge was beautiful, as was the water, and the sky, and people, and life, and …

Don’t condemn yourself, God doesn’t condemn you.

Never judge yourself by some arbitrary standard because God doesn’t do that. He is too loving to even remember your faults. He is too kind to hold your past against you. He does not accuse you. He does not condemn you. When you feel like you’re being accused, realize that it’s the enemy speaking. God always calls you to Himself, never chases you away from Him.

The Secret of the Lord

When we’re very close to God, His nature overtakes ours such that we never even have to ask what He wants us to do. Our will becomes permanently surrendered to His, and we truly understand that His will is infinitely better than ours. Truly, there’s no better place to be! Get into God’s secret place today!

We’re 10K Strong.

Dear friend and family members. Thank you for your support of this blog. I remember the first time I told my dear, dear friend Priscilla, that I wanted to start a blog, where I would primarily share my faith and love for God. She asked what was stopping me and I had no answer. I knew how to use wordpress, and blogging is basically free. I know how to write, and most importantly, the blog content wouldn’t exactly come from me, but from the Holy Spirit stuff.  Basically, I had nothing holding me back, except myself. Today, I looked at my statistics and I’ve had over 10,000 views. Is this me? Writing from my tiny dorm room that witnessed a lot of tears, fears, and victories. And today, I’ve had over 10,000 views. It’s alright if you don’t think this is a big deal. I personally live by Zechariah 4:10 “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” This blog has become a source …