christianity, Faith, Monthly Updates
Comments 9

We’re 10K Strong.

Dear friend and family members.

Thank you for your support of this blog. I remember the first time I told my dear, dear friend Priscilla, that I wanted to start a blog, where I would primarily share my faith and love for God. She asked what was stopping me and I had no answer. I knew how to use wordpress, and blogging is basically free. I know how to write, and most importantly, the blog content wouldn’t exactly come from me, but from the Holy Spirit stuff. 

Basically, I had nothing holding me back, except myself.

Today, I looked at my statistics and I’ve had over 10,000 views. Is this me? Writing from my tiny dorm room that witnessed a lot of tears, fears, and victories. And today, I’ve had over 10,000 views.


It’s alright if you don’t think this is a big deal. I personally live by Zechariah 4:10

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”

This blog has become a source of joy and happiness in my life. I’ve written when I’ve been at my saddest, at my most joyful, full of fear, and just plain confused. This blog has brought me succor, and given me the privilege of connecting with so many people.

Thank you to everyone who has read, shared, liked, or referred my blog to others. It means the world to not only share my love for God, but to have a receptive and supportive audience.

For instance, I received this screenshot today. I don’t know the person who sent it. She sent it to a friend of mine. Look at God. Just take a look at the God that I serve!

Here’s another remarkable thing that’s happened: God used my testimony to bring me forgiveness from someone I offended over five years ago. Wow.

But Proverbs 16:7 comes to mind: “When people’s lives please the LORD, even their enemies are at peace with them.”

Here’s part of a message I received. I’ve edited the message to not reveal what I did, 😀 and to keep the person anonymous. 

“Hi Alheri, okay this is very random and you probably don’t remember me. Something happened. For that reason, I’ve ignored your posts whenever they showed up on my timeline, even though I knew they’d probably be amazing. I’ve held a grudge you see but something pushed me to read your latest post and here I am writing this message and I don’t even know why I’m writing this. It’s six years later and I’m tired of the grudge I’ve held. It’s kinda heavy. I’m sorry for saying bad things about you that one time. I honestly have no idea why I’m writing this, I’m kind of embarrassed right now. I just wanted to let you know that your posts inspire me and I’m sorry for holding a grudge against you (even though I still flinch at the memory of what I did. I’m actually struggling with my faith right now and I was hoping you could pray for me. Keep doing what you’re doing. God bless you.”

I’m beyond grateful to God that this person not only forgave me, they also revealed very deep things that they’re struggling with. I’m just sitting here like…

Gif Opr

Once again, here am I, with my heart bursting with gratitude because God has done exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I’ve ever asked or imagined.

To be honest, sometimes I get scared that I’m in this bubble and it could burst at any time. In those moments, I try to remind myself that the Lord who began the good work will surely bring it to completion. Even though I lose everything, all I ask is that I keep my faith in the Lord. Job’s latter days were greater than His former days, so who am I to fear?

All I ask is that I can confidently jump into the fiery furnace, the lion’s den, and still have my faith in God. It’s the single most important aspect of my life, and I cannot think of my life if I didn’t have Jesus.

If you’re struggling, or you would like to reach out to me for prayer, encouragement, or you just want to be my friend, please send me an email at

I promise you, I’m really nice!

A few things: My most recent Bellanaija article is here. Follow me on twitter, instagram, Facebook, and snapchat. I’m Ms Alheri everywhere.

All my love.

Featured images from

This entry was posted in: christianity, Faith, Monthly Updates


Hey, my name is Alheri and I'm obsessed with Jesus. This blog is me keeping my promise to Him for answering a prayer. Purple is my favorite color and my favorite scripture is Jeremiah 32:27 which says "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?" (KJV) You can contact me at


  1. Ms Alheri! So proud of you. Look how far you’ve come and how inspiring you are to so many of us. Keep at it, my dear. May God continue to bless the works of your hands! ❤


  2. Thank you for your blog. Seeing a young person on fire for God brings much joy to this old heart. I pray that God keeps using you to inspire and lead other young people to God. Gods love to you young lady


    • Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m just so glad that an “old soul” is inspired by this little child. It means a lot. ☺️☺️☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Kwadwo-Triumph says

    We thank God.
    If this is just the beginning, can you imagine what lies ahead?
    More grace Alheri! More grace! 🙏


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